Across the eons, ancient civilizations revered crystals as vessels of immense power and eternal wisdom, echoing through the ages. Earth's embrace cradles over 5,000 minerals and crystals—a trove of beauty, secrets, and sacred knowledge, ready to be uncovered and worn.


Embrace Your Voice

The tranquil blue-green tones of Amazonite inspire courage you to speak your truth with courage and and boldness, echoing the spirit of the Amazon River and its warrior namesake. This opaque gem symbolizes flow, fortitude, leadership, and exploration.

Let its energy empower your authentic voice, fuel your creativity, and awaken your inner divine feminine and psychic potential.

 Crystal Properties:

⇢ Authenticity + Fluidity + Creativity + Resilience + Leadership + Divine Feminine + Animal Magic + Telepathy 𓆃


⟡ Elevate and Evolve

Amethyst beckons us to revere our mind & body as sacred sanctuaries. It empowers us to detach from unhealthy bonds and undergo a profound purification, ridding the body, mind, & aura of detrimental or addictive patterns.

 Crystal Attributes:

⇢ Metamorphosis + Shielding + Liberation from Addiction + Slumber Serenity + Past-Life Insights + Access Akashic Records 𓆃


⟡ Dance with the Tides

Aquamarine beckons, inviting you to dance with the tides. Like a captivating mermaid, it urges you to break free from routine, fear, and stagnant thoughts. This crystal empowers curiosity, awakening your creative and playful spirit.

⟡ Crystal Attributes:

⇢ Mermaid Magic + Creativity + Revitalization + Serenity 𓆃

Black Tourmaline

⟡ Your Extraordinary Crystal Bodyguard

Among the remarkable array of crystals, Black Tourmaline stands out as an unparalleled guardian of your energetic well-being. It excels in anchoring your presence in the tangible reality of the physical world. This makes it an absolute must-have in the realm of crystal healing.

⟡ Crystal Attributes:

⇢ Safeguarding + Rooting + Rejuvenation 𓆃


⟡ Serene Enlightenment

Azurite stands as a potent key to unlock the door of the third eye, bestowing profound insights and illuminating the path. In the ancient realm of Egypt, Azurite's secrets were guarded with reverence, entrusted only to the priestly elite. It graced the inner sanctum, deciphering the divine will of their deities and holding a connection to the enigmatic wisdom of Atlantis.

⟡ Crystal Attributes:

⇢ Revelation + Tranquillity + Inner Knowing + Guiding Spirits + Dreamscapes + Prophetic Vision + Creative Sparks 𓆃

Blue Apatite

 ⟡ Ignite Your Determination

Blue Apatite serves as your unwavering ally whenever your willpower needs a boost, whether you're embarking on resolutions, striving for healthier choices, curbing substances, or simply seeking to be kinder to yourself.

⟡ Crystal Attributes:

⇢ Determination + Wellness Choices + Detoxification 𓆃


⟡ Radiate Your Sunshine

Citrine encapsulates the very essence of sunshine within a crystal. It supercharges your solar plexus chakra, empowering you to manifest your wildest dreams and breathe life into your most audacious goals.

⟡ Crystal Attributes:

⇢ Communication + Vitality + Goal Achievement + Prosperity + Good Fortune + Creative Sparks 𓆃


⟡ The Spark of Passion

Garnet embodies the essence of sensuality and grounded presence. This crystal ignites the fires of passion in all realms of life, fostering creative fervour, sensuous awakening, and an existence steeped in passion.

⟡ Crystal Attributes:

⇢ Passion + Sensuality + Creative Expression + Grounding 𓆃

Green Moss Agate

⟡ Graceful Growth

Green Moss Agate, a silent yet dedicated stone, promotes patience and gradual cleansing. It guides you through challenging times with resilience, encouraging the growth of new projects and relationships at their own pace, all while fostering emotional balance and peaceful transitions.

⟡ Crystal Attributes:

⇢ Resilience + Growth + Prosperity + Cleansing + Friendship + Patience 𓆃

Herkimer Diamonds

⟡ Radiant Lightwork

Herkimer Diamonds, with their double-terminated points, are the tools of lightworkers, harnessing and transforming energy into pure light. These ethereal crystals hold the potential for powerful spiritual insights and the responsibility to manifest dreams into reality.

⟡ Crystal Attributes:

⇢ Light working + Transformation + Expansion + Truth-Seeking + Clairvoyance + Visualization + Purification 𓆃


⟡ The Clarity Stone

Known as the 'Water Sapphire,' Iolite aided ancient Vikings in navigating the seas through foggy waters. A calming crystal with a violet-blue hue, it provides the clarity needed to understand your soul's purpose and inner motivations.

⟡ Crystal Attributes:

⇢ Clarity + Inner Vision + Anxiety Relief + Soul Purpose + Empowerment 𓆃

Snakeskin Jasper

⟡ Unwavering Stability

Jaspers, epitomized by Snakeskin Jasper, offer unwavering grounding and strength for your physical and emotional well-being. They encourage you to connect with the Earth's energies, anchoring you in the present moment.

⟡ Crystal Attributes:

⇢ Stability + Fertility + Protection + Fresh Beginnings + Spiritual Journeying 𓆃


⟡ The All-Seeing Stone

Labradorite, also known as the 'Stone of Seeing' or the Shaman's Stone, opens the portal to perceiving the truth and the present moment. It connects you with the divine, granting access to higher realms of wisdom and facilitating the manifestation of your dreams.

⟡ Crystal Attributes:

⇢ Communication + Intuitive Awakening + Psychic Shield + Elevated Consciousness + Manifestation 𓆃


⟡ Embrace the Divine Feminine

Moonstone gracefully ushers you into the realms of the subconscious and inner wisdom. As the embodiment of the Divine Feminine, it carries the essence of wise matriarchs, nurturing mothers, ethereal goddesses, and mystical mermaids.

⟡ Crystal Attributes:

⇢ Intuition + Empowered Feminine Energy + Lunar Magic 𓆃


⟡ Boundaries of Love

Morganite, with its peachy-sweet hues, envelops you in a nurturing embrace. This gentle crystal encourages self-love and the establishment of loving boundaries in matters of the heart.

⟡ Crystal Attributes:

⇢ Loving Boundaries + Self-Care + Friendship 𓆃


⟡ Transformative Resilience

Pearls stand as exquisite reminders that life's most challenging experiences often become the most luminous and precious facets of our existence. It's a testament to the transformative power of time and the soul's unwavering commitment to growth.

⟡ Crystal Attributes:

⇢ Transformation + Protection + Lunar Magic + Fertility 𓆃

Pastel Opals

⟡ Heartfelt Healing

Pastel Opals hold the key to healing emotional wounds and revealing deep-seated fears. They bring a gentle and uplifting touch to matters of the heart, guiding you towards resolutions and letting go.

⟡ Crystal Attributes:

⇢ Resolutions + Heart Healing + Surrender + Nurturing + Upliftment 𓆃

Pink Tourmaline

⟡ Embrace Your Inner Child

Glowing and gemmy, Pink Tourmaline exudes a heart-centred and joyful energy. This crystal's magic lies in its ability to reconnect you with your inner child, fostering open-hearted curiosity, playfulness, and unconditional love.

⟡ Crystal Attributes:

⇢ Joy + Inner Child Reconnection + Heart Healing + Protection + Channelling + Balance 𓆃


⟡ A Bridge to Other Realms

Prehnite resonates with an otherworldly vibration, creating a bridge to alternate dimensions. As it stimulates the left brain, it radiates an energy conducive to problem-solving and analytical thinking.

⟡ Crystal Attributes:

⇢ Extraterrestrial Connection + Futuristic Insights + Problem-Solving + Alkalizing + Communication + Lucid Dreaming 𓆃


⟡ Ignite Your Inner Fire

Golden Pyrite is a powerhouse of energy, sparking supercharged creativity and productivity. It empowers you with unwavering confidence, action, and abundance.

⟡ Crystal Attributes:

⇢ Confidence + Prosperity + Abundance + Productivity + Creativity + Protection + Purification 𓆃


⟡ The Unfolding Rose

Rhodochrosite embodies the essence of an unfolding rose captured in crystal form. This pink stone carries the energy of unconditional love, akin to the love represented by holy figures, including the Virgin Mary, often symbolized by a rose.

⟡ Crystal Attributes:

⇢ Divine Feminine Energy + Unconditional Love + Heart Healing + Compassion + Ancestral Connection 𓆃


⟡ Fierce Protection and Healing

Rhodonite, with its pink swirls, is a powerful crystal for deep heart healing and grief release. It offers stability during difficult transitions, such as relationship or career changes, illness, or loss, aiding in the healing process.

⟡ Crystal Attributes:

⇢ Emotional Release + Healing Heartbreak + Stabilization + Boundary Setting 𓆃

Rose Quartz

⟡ The Love Alchemist

Rose Quartz, the classic love crystal, is legendary for its heart-healing capabilities. It mends emotional wounds, attracts new love, and opens hearts to higher levels of forgiveness, compassion, and love.

⟡ Crystal Attributes:

⇢ Love + Compassion + Kindness + Tenderness 𓆃

Ruby Zoisite

⟡ Grounded Harmony

The harmonious fusion of two healing crystals, Ruby and Zoisite, creates a magical union that bridges civil beauty and the wild power of nature. This crystal is renowned for its healing properties and capacity for providing insight.

⟡ Crystal Attributes:

⇢ Grounding Emotions + Honest Communication + Insight + Natural Well-being 𓆃

Smoky Quartz

⟡ Deep Energy Cleansing

Smoky Quartz ranks among the most potent tools for energy transmutation. It holds cleansing power akin to its cousin Amethyst but goes deep, swiftly extracting negativity from your aura and grounding it in the Earth for purification.

⟡ Crystal Attributes:

⇢ Energy Cleansing + Stress Relief + Grounding + Meditation Support 𓆃

Strawberry Quartz

⟡ Discover Your Potential

Strawberry Quartz empowers and nurtures the heart. It promotes self-love and helps you overcome obstacles, ensuring your talents shine and guiding you toward your life's true path.

⟡ Crystal Attributes:

⇢ Self-Love + Potential Unleashing + Grounding + Inner Strength + Empowerment 𓆃


⟡ The Light Within

Like an insightful life coach, Sunstone reminds you that you already possess the wisdom and magic within. It connects you to your inner creativity and self-assurance, encouraging you to let your inner light sparkle and shine.

⟡ Crystal Attributes:

⇢ Confidence + Self-Esteem + Creativity + Manifestation + Empowerment + Balance 𓆃


⟡ Embrace Earth Wisdom

Turquoise, revered by Native Americans as a symbol of Earth Consciousness, is believed to absorb negativity, bestow wisdom, enhance prophetic abilities, and connect you to the collective wisdom of humanity.

⟡ Crystal Attributes:

⇢ Earth Wisdom + Wholeness + Protection + Integrity + Rebirth + Prophetic Insights 𓆃

Watermelon Tourmaline

⟡ The Healing Companion

Watermelon Tourmaline serves as the crystal of choice for healers and aspiring healers. This delightful stone functions like a wand or double-terminated crystal, with one end radiating positivity and energy, while the other is receptive and calming.

⟡ Crystal Attributes:

⇢ Joy + Heart Healing + Cleansing + Protection + Channeling + Balance 𓆃

White Topaz

⟡ Embrace Nobility

Clear Topaz encourages you to embody nobility, infusing your life with brilliance, grace, kindness, and radiance. It serves as a reminder to always choose the noble path and elevate your vibration.

⟡ Crystal Attributes:

⇢ Nobility + Connection to Higher Self + High-Vibrational 𓆃

White Opal

 Magic In-between

White Opal helps you remember to always look beyond the surface. Look deeper, look closer: at people, places, ideas, and within yourself. A treasured magical talisman since ancient times, Opal is a stone of the in-between, the space between light and dark, known and unknown. And so, as we know, magic is the strongest in the in-between.

 Crystal Properties:

⇢ Mysticism + Embrace the Unknown + Intuition + Magic + Soul work 𓆃

Black Opal

Shadow Dance

Some of nature's most stunning creations, Black Opals helps you regain your spiritual light after a trauma and allows you to become one with our shadow side. Black Opal offers complete protection of one's emotional body and aura.

Crystal Properties:

Enlightenment + Hope + Protection + Meditation +Shadow Work +Soul Work 𓆃


 Cherished Elegance

Rubies stand as one of humanity's most adored gemstones, praised for their captivating physical allure, profound metaphysical enchantment, and unparalleled protective and grounding qualities.

 Crystal Properties:

⇢ Grounding + Protection + Abundance + Beauty + Adoration + Passion 𓆃


 Enchanting Manifestor

Emeralds, gleaming throughout mythologies and history, hold a profound allure for a reason - this precious gemstone possesses the ability to manifest significant gifts of good fortune, abundance, and health.

 Crystal Properties:

⇢ Protection + Abundance + Passion + Fertility + Health + Heal Relationships + Psychic Development + Past-Lives 𓆃


⟡ Ethical Alignment

The profound azure of Sapphire fosters a link to your Higher Self, the inner empath attuned to the broader perspective. It encourages actions driven by a global outlook and the ability to empathize, urging you to step into someone else's shoes. In essence, it guides the part of you that consistently makes choices for the greater good.

 Crystal Properties:

⇢ Wisdom + Social Conscience + Loyalty + Compassion + Big-Picture Thinking + Psychic Development 𓆃


Crystal Purity

Unearthed as a recent revelation, Tanzanite stands as one of the rarest gemstones globally, believed to forge a psychic connection with timeless wisdom from spiritually unaltered tribes. This potent crystal serves as a guide, keeping you aligned with your soul's paramount mission and steadfastly attuned to your intuition.

Crystal Properties:

Soul Purpose + Vision + Inner Clarity + Intuition 𓆃



If Grandidierite speaks to you, you are likely profoundly clairvoyant and claircognitive. You may experience visits from ancestral spirits but dismiss them as something weird. You also see and know real things before they happen, without a logical explanation for your visions or knowledge.

 Crystal Properties:

⇢ Ancient Wisdom + Mediumship + Communication
+ Clairvoyance + Apparition + Spirits 𓆃

Pink Sapphire


Pink Sapphire is a beautiful, nurturing stone for liquidating and transforming stored shame, pain and negative body associations and experiences into love, truth, feminine power, and resilience.

 Crystal Properties:

⇢ Vulnerability + Sexual Healing + Body Issues + Shame Release + Sensuality + Forgiveness 𓆃


 Embrace the Challenge  

Choosing to adorn yourself with a diamond, or gifting one, signifies a pledge: "I Commit." Just like a diamond, I/we can triumph over adversity, utilizing life's pressures and challenges to fortify and empower this commitment.

 Crystal Properties:

⇢ Commitment + Integrity + Strength + Faith + Loyalty 𓆃
